Horror Stories to Scare You Stiff Page 3
“AL save me, Al” I screamed out just before I lost consciousness.
I woke to find myself in the campus hospital. It was the first time in seven years that I did not have AL to talk to. I pushed the call button next to my pillow. I waited for a nurse to come into the room. I needed some answers.
“What can I do for you? ” The nurse asked as she walked into the room.
“Why am I here?” I asked.
“You were in a nasty accident.”
“What kind of accident?” I asked as I lifted the covers up so I could look under them for the first time.
“From what anyone can figure out you tried to use some kind of industrial vacuum to get off. They were able to save some of your penis. You should be able to use it urinate standing up like a real man. But that is about all you will be able to do like a real man. I am so sorry you are kind of cute in a geeky kind of way.” The nurse said to me as I looked at the bandages covering my crotch.